When you die, Cassandra (Mother Goose in Volume 2) even says that "dying is a minor setback". Plus, you don't lose experience and you get the opportunity to replay minigames to win additional potions and/or gem tiles if you're far enough in the book, which means that you can deliberately throw the boss fight in a late chapter of a book, play the minigames to get more potions and gem tiles, then go back to that chapter and defeat all enemies for more experience, and even throw the boss fight again to stock up on more potions and experience. The game says that you lose the potions you used, but you'd have lost them anyway even if you had survived (them having been used, after all). Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: When Lex dies, he's merely transported back to the beginning of the chapter he died in.Creepy Cemetery: The Graveyard of Lost Hopes.The first game even has music especially for the credits ( Volume 2 doesn't, but the Astounding Planet main theme works surprisingly well in this regard). Creative Closing Credits: In both games, the credits are the names of the people involved in making the game being attacked by (and then defeating) various enemies from the game.Continuity Nod: Two of these in Volume 2 - Codex's magic pen is even more of a Plot Device than in the first game, and the book enumeration continues, starting with "book 4".The Chosen One: Lex is revealed to be this near the end of the first game.Character Title: The Monkey King, the second book of Volume 2.Cassandra Truth: Dracula makes an allusion to Codex's evil nature.

Carnivore Confusion: A Double Subversion Codex, a bird, is a Treacherous Advisor to Lex, a worm.Cap: Volume 2 adds a ten-of-each-potion limit."It is imperative that clients not disturb the butterfly." Book Burning: Handwaved by Bigger Brother in Volume 2:.Bland-Name Product: Wikipedia Galactica.Bizarre Bazaar: The Bazaar of the Bizarre, where Lex reencounters Maladin.Bittersweet Ending: In Bookworm Adventures Volume 2, the Lex (and companions) get to the Magic Pen, but, unfortunately, it's broken down the middle and Lex doesn't have enough time to fix it, though, before self-destructing, the Pen sacrifices itself to save the Great Library.Big "NO!": Lex does this three times: when Codex kidnaps Cassandra, when he correctly refuses to believe Cassandra & Codex have died & when he realizes he's on Earth.Big Brother Is Watching: The Big Bad of Volume 2.Big Bad: Professor Codex in the first game and Bigger Brother in the second.Berserk Button: Lex faces almost every situation with a cheery attitude.Adding insult to injury, he'll smash your tiles, too. Bears Are Bad News: In Volume 2, as the Papa Bear will steal your jeweled tiles with his "pilfer" ability.However, several treasures in the sequel have functions nearly identical to some from the original. Bag of Spilling: To a certain extent Lex loses levels and most of his treasures in the sequel (as well as a ten-of-each potion limit), but retains the ability to use gem tiles.Badass Crew: Lex & his companions in Volume 2.Badass Bookworm: Lex, in the most literal form ever.Awesome, but Impractical: In general, any treasure you have to go of of your way to use ( Volume 2 has fewer of these).Astral Finale: Astounding Planet, the final book of Volume 2.